
PH: (07) 3865 9113
Showroom: Mon-Thu 8am-4pm Fri 8am-2pm Saturday 8am-1pm

- TIPS -

As manufacturers, we know all the ins and outs about what makes a quality piece of furniture vs what DOESN’T. We see it as our role to educate the consumer so you can make informed decisions about your pieces.

So what should you look out for when purchasing furniture?

There are 4 KEY things that can make or break a piece:


If the quality of the frame is poor, the piece is not designed to last. Avoid chipboard in load bearing areas, make sure the bracing timbers are at least 50mm thick (anything less that 35mm is considered landfill, we mean this in the nicest possible way!) and make sure the frame is glued AND nailed. All corners should be braced and arms should NOT be made of cardboard (you would be surprised at how many ‘high-end’ retailers use this trick to cut costs!).

All of our frames are commercial strength and carry a 10 year warranty.



If webbing is used, we believe it should be Black Cat Webbing. This will support the cushioning and will not sag regardless of usage. Avoid stretch weak webbing and avoid ‘hessian bag’ style webbing.

We use Black Cat Webbing on all of our lounges. Black Cat Webbing carries a 10 year warranty.


High density cushioning should be used if you’d like the piece to be comfortable and to LAST. Australian standard in cushioning is 30kg per cubic meter foam. Unfortunately, this standard is not compulsory and many retailers ignore this to cut costs. For real peace of mind, the cushioning should be heavier than this. For this reason, we use 35kg per cubic meter foam.

The foams we use are treated for dust mites and are antibacterial – in fact they are endorsed by the Asthma Foundation. To learn more visit our suppliers website We offer a 10 year warranty on all of our cushioning



We are constantly amazed at the lack of quality in fabrics in lounges sold by retailers. For example, fabric can range from ‘cheap & nasty’ to ‘luxurious’. To give you an idea, a cheap fabric costs $2.00-$3.00 per metre. We WILL NOT use fabric that costs any less than $10 per metre as we know these fabrics will wear quickly and are unlikely to last long.

When you are speaking to retailers or manufacturers, we recommend you enquire about materials used in the fabric. We would urge shoppers to ALWAYS Scotch guard their pieces to save the heartbreak of a spill ruining your piece.

For more information on fabrics please visit our supplier’s websites at and